I released my latest book, Alien Times- Book 1, Revelation, on March 1, 2023. Released newly edited and updated copy in April. I hope you like the story. It is my version how I think we will prove the existence of aliens when they are ready to make themselves known to the public. Here is the link to my Press Release on the book: Author Don Viecelli Introduces An Eye-Opening Sci-Fi Story That Exposes The Truth About Aliens - EIN Presswire (einnews.com) I use this site to promote my work, which is writing science fiction. I hope the various Menu links and subject matter I have provided will be useful and informative. You can find my latest science fiction Book Reviews above or by accessing my Goodreads.com account.
I released all three Prequel Novellas in Audiobook format in January and February 2022 using Google Partners's AI text-to-voice free service. The audiobook and ebook versions are available now on Google Play Books for $1.99 each at this link: "don viecelli" - Books on Google Play.
I released my ebook series, Prequel Anthology Series in July 2021. It combines all three prequel novels into one series to introduce my three trilogies for only $4.50. I released my ebook, The Guardians - Threat Of Extinction in April 2021. It is a Novella Prequel novel to The Guardians Series for only $1.99.
I released my ebook, Nanomachine War - Nanotech Terror Weapon in March 2021. It is a Novella Prequel novel to the Nanomachine War Series for only $1.99.
I released my ebook, UTOPIAS - The Plague Wars in February 2021. It is a Novella Prequel novel to the UTOPIAS Dystopian Series for only $1.99!
I continue to write Sci-Fi stories that interest me and I hope readers find interesting, entertaining and informative. My latest story was released in May 2020. I felt I needed to complete my UTOPIAS Dystopian Series by writing a Prequel Novel that covers the last two years before humans entered cryosleep in 2099. I named the book UTOPIAS - Book 0, Climate Crisis. It is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble (Nook Press) and Smashwords. The official release date is May 27, 2020. In June I released Paperback book versions and a complete ebook boxset on KDP Unlimited Select.
UTOPIAS Dystopian Series is set in the near future and is about humans surviving total environmental disaster that nearly caused human extinction. Utopias is a megacity and Capitol of the United Americas Continent. The Climate Crisis has caused global environmental disaster and led to the beginning of the Sixth Mass Extinction Level Event in human history. Sentient androids were created to help save the planet while humans sleep for 100 years in cryosleep chambers in underground bunkers. Now, humans have awakened in 2199 and must fight the androids and each other for control of their megacities.
All of my science fiction novels and short stories in ebook format can be viewed and purchased at your favorite ebook stores such as Amazon.com,Barnes & Noble.com and Smashwords. I would appreciate any positive reviews for my books on Amazon or Goodreads if you like any of them. It greatly helps independent book writers like myself.